
Help me..

I can't take it no more. me.I can't take her anger and impatience. Please, She is too impatient and angry. She is putting pressure on herself , and releasing it on me. She is always saying things like :IM ALWAYS BUSY,YOU F****** IDIOT,THIS IS MY HOUSE.Please...I ...I.....can't take this.She doesn't even allow me to speak.Not even a second.She always bosses me around and come up with an excuse. Even some of the excuses are not related to the only the start....there is lots more about siblings.....don't care.....they rather stay out of it....So Please,....I WANT TO DIE!!... PLEASE...... SOMEONE......kill me kill me kill

Week 1

Dear blog,  I have received a project from Ms Krish.She said to write a blog. Yep....Write a blog.Thats it. Yep...besides from that I have plans for this weeks. I'm gonna craft a new sword. Hopefully it goes well because I tend to make mistakes like accidentally cutting the wrong side of the wood or scratching it with my trusty knife (which I used to sharpen swords). Hopefully I do not recieve even more homework this week otherwise I won't be able to craft that sword . I'm waiting for December, my luckiest month, because I have a full month holiday and a birthday party. Sometimes I wonder if there is anyone out there like me, a kid who likes singing,crafting and drawing. An unusual set of skills if you asked me.